Excerpts from The Heavenly Time Machine



What about carbon?

From pages 69-72, The Heavenly Time Machine

The currently accepted standard model for the universe posits that everything began with a so called "big bang" about 15 billion years ago. The initial big bang universe was very small, very dense and very hot. It consisted of energetic matter particles mixed with radiation quanta in a hot mixture at equilibrium distribution. New particles of matter constantly sprang up out of E mc^2 type energy-to-matter conversions, and likewise matter was annihilated back into energy. This super small, dense and hot universe expanded very quickly, and it cooled as it expanded. Neutrons and protons started to stick around at a temperature of ten million million (10^13) degrees on the absolute Kelvin scale, where the energy of radiation photons equals the rest-mass energy of neutrons and protons, and the environment was cool enough not to turn all of these back into radiation. This is the beginning of the element hydrogen. The energetic high temperature neutrons and protons knocked into each other frequently. And when the collisions were just right, they stayed together. We now have the formation of helium-4, consisting of two protons and two neutrons. In the meantime, the universe was expanding and cooling very quickly. In fact, this process proceeded so quickly that the temperature and density soon dropped below the point where higher level elements could form. The result is that the matter of the early universe consisted of about 74% hydrogen, 26% helium (by weight) and very little of anything else. So where does all the other stuff come from? It was cooked in stars and spread out in supernova explosions.

Let's take a look at what it takes to get a supernova and the implications of our being around to talk about it. A heavy star gets more compressed and hotter as it burns more and more complex elements. Finally, at a temperature of over a billion degrees, silicon is transformed into iron-56, and the process ends. Soon the iron core of the star is compressed with enormous force, as gravity takes over without the counterbalance of the heat and pressure from the burning fuel. The iron turns into a ball of pure neutrons. But neutrons have a very much more compact structure than iron, and the whole core collapses in size. A ball about the size of the sun suddenly collapses to the size of a large mountain. We now have a neutron star core. The surrounding material falls onto the neutron star core at a speed which is an appreciable portion of the speed of light, and the shock wave tries to squeeze the neutron core even further. But the core cannot really be compressed, and it bounces back in an enormous explosion which is the beginning of the supernova process.

But now we have a problem. The reaction from the neutron core is not strong enough to scatter all the surrounding material, including the life-giving carbon, into the cosmos. The reverse shock wave needs a boost. The boost comes from a heavy flood of neutrinos. Neutrinos are very strange particles. They simply don't interact with matter. So how come there is an interaction in this case? Everything works out just right, provided the weak force is of exactly the right value. The weak and strong forces, electromagnetism and gravity are the four basic forces of this universe. Change the weak interaction a tiny bit to one side or the other, and we would not be here. The same weak interaction is also involved in determining the ratio of hydrogen to helium in the early universe. We need both supernovae and a reasonable amount of helium, and the range of weak interaction that permits this is very narrow. So why is the universe this way? I do not know.

Now comes the interesting story of that element of life, carbon. Helium is a very stable element. It is so stable that for a while physicists thought that it was a fundamental particle, and it was named the alpha particle. Carbon has a mass number 12, and consists of three helium atoms stuck together in a stable configuration. Unfortunately, two helium atoms, which make beryllium, are very much unstable. The stuff sticks around for less that 10^-16 of a second before disintegrating. It takes an additional neutron to make stable beryllium-9. Therein lies our problem. A collision of stable beryllium-9 with helium-4 will not add up to carbon-12. The unstable beryllium-8 does not last long enough to permit any reasonable level of carbon formation by interaction with helium. Finally, the odds of three helium atoms hitting each other simultaneously in just the right way to stick together as carbon is out of sight. It looks like there isn't any way to make carbon. And as noted, without carbon there is no life. Now, it is important to understand that without carbon there is still a universe. It does not even look very different from what we have, on a superficial level. The basic fuel for stars is here, and the stars burn very nicely. The only important difference is that we are not around to enjoy it. But we know that we are, in fact, around. And we know that there is lots of carbon around. So where did it come from?

In 1954, Fred Hoyle of Cambridge proposed a solution. He suggested that there is a resonance between helium-4, beryllium-8 and carbon-12. A resonance describes an effect where one gets a big result from a relatively small effort. Pluck a string in a certain way and you get a big sound for a small pull; do it some other way and it goes flat. Taking into account the mass-energy of each nucleus, and the calculated kinetic energy of the moving particles based on the temperature in the star, Hoyle predicted a hitherto unsuspected energy level, at 7.82 million electron volts, in the carbon-12 nucleus that would cause a resonance for the combined energies of the three elements. This resonance causes three helium-4 particles to stay together just a bit longer than usual, and that is long enough for these to rearrange themselves into the compact and stable configuration of carbon-12. The prediction was tested in the laboratory and found to be correct. The question to ask is, what is it in the basic laws of the universe that requires this resonance, involving three elements and the conditions inside a star, to be there? Why not have a universe without carbon? We do not know the answer.


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