The Development of the Canon of the New Testament

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Cross Reference Table: Writings and Authorities

Each symbol in the large table below corresponds to a specific authority and a specific writing.
The symbols summarize the opinion of the authority about the writing.
If the symbol is blue, select it with the mouse to jump to the evidence.
The symbols have this meaning:
Symbol Opinion of Authority
accepted; true; scriptural; or quoted from very approvingly
p possible approving quotation or allusion
e acceptable, but only with changes
dubious; disputed; or useful for inspiration
s spurious (in the classification of Eusebius)
x false; heretical; heterodox; quoted from very disapprovingly
B7 not mentioned or quoted from; opinion unknown

Ig Po M Va JM Ir C T MC O E CS A D P V
Gospel according to Matthew x c
Gospel according to Mark B7 B7 c
Gospel according to Luke e c
Gospel according to John B7 B7 x c
Acts x B7 B7
Romans e B7
I Corinthians e B7
II Corinthians B7 e B7
Galatians B7 e B7
Ephesians e B7
Philippians B7 e B7
Colossians B7 e B7
I Thessalonians e B7 B7
II Thessalonians B7 e B7 B7
I Timothy B7 x B7 B7
II Timothy B7 x B7 B7
Titus B7 B7 x B7 B7
Philemon B7 B7 e B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Hebrews B7 B7 B7 B7 p B7
James B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 p B7 B7 B7
I Peter B7 B7 B7 B7
II Peter B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
I John B7 B7 B7
II John B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7
III John B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7
Jude B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Revelation of John B7 B7 B7 c B7
Gospel of Thomas B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of Truth B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of the Twelve B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of Peter B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of Basilides B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of the Egyptians B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 c B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of the Hebrews B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 s B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Gospel of Matthias B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Traditions of Matthias B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Preaching of Peter B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Acts of Andrew B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Acts of Paul B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 s B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Acts of John B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 x B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Epistle to the Laodiceans B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 p
I Clement B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Epistle of Barnabas B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 s B7 B7 B7
Didache B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 s B7 B7 B7
Shepherd of Hermas B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 s B7 B7
Apocalypse of Peter B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 s B7 B7 B7 B7 B7
Ig Po M Va JM Ir C T MC O E CS A D P V

Pages created by Glenn Davis, 1997-2004.
For additions, corrections, and comments send e-mail to mailto:[email protected]